Thursday 8 March 2018

Seven Facts About Teeth Whitening Procedure

How Does the Teeth Whitening Toothpaste Work?

Dentists use a particular kind of toothpaste while accomplishing teeth whitening procedure on a patient. This toothpaste is composed of chemicals which target the teeth stains and eventually breaks them down. When teeth whitening is carried out at home, then the toothpaste is used for around two to six weeks until teeth appear white. You must have observed toothpaste brands claiming white teeth, the substance which is responsible for turning teeth white is known as blue covarine. It is chemical which alters the appearance of teeth's color by creating a thin film on them.

Teeth Have Pores Which Absorb Stains

You may not be able to figure out teeth pores with naked eyes, but, yes, they do exist naturally. These pores absorb color from the food we eat like coffee, soda, etc. With the course of time, these stains start darkening up, and the only way to treat them is using a prescribed tooth whitening gel. This gel fights with stains and pulls them out from the pores leaving a white impression behind.

Custom Whitening Trays Complement Teeth Whitening Procedure

Your dentist may use custom whitening tray while your teeth whitening procedure. It ensures that the whitening agent gets spread evenly across every tooth.

Teeth Whitening Procedure Causes Sensitivity in Teeth

Dentists agree to the fact that after teeth whitening sitting, the patient may feel sensitivity in teeth. It is because teeth become dehydrated and it is said to last for around 36 hours. Some dental practitioners suggest post-whitening fluoride treatment as a temporary cure for sensitivity.

Stain Removal Takes Time

For the final results to be apparent, you may need to undertake multiple sittings of teeth whitening procedure. The reason being, it takes time for the whitening agent to penetrate through the tooth and break down stains. If stains are intense, then it may require more sittings than usual.

Whiten Your Teeth Before Going to Bed

After the whitening procedure, the pores in teeth start opening up, inviting room for new elements, hence, it is advisable to undergo this treatment just before you go to sleep. This activity will prevent teeth pores getting exposed to eatables and form new stains. Also, your teeth will naturally gain benefits of rehydration and remineralization.

If you want to undergo teeth cleaning procedure in Dubai, then prefer consulting none less than the experienced dentists of LooksWow Dental Clinic and Teeth Whitening Spa. They use best standards in sterilizations and latest technology features. For more details book an appointment now.

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