Monday 11 June 2018


The science of Dentistry, rightly called the “art of dental health” is taking an upward turn in the recent times. With more and more people being cautious about their dental health and with the innovations and advancements in this field, dentistry is soaring heights.

In the recent years, teeth whitening treatments have seen a rise with options for the best teeth whitening in Dubai, aiming for a beautiful, natural look. Teeth whitening is nothing but basically removing of stains and discolorations and improving the look of your teeth and there are several types of whitening treatments to restore your smile and boost your confidence
A person’s smile is one of the most noticeable part of his/her face. Maybe this is why people with stained teeth, refrain to smile openly in public. Hiding a smile and suppressing their emotions, has a kickback effect on the confidence of the people. Teeth whitening promises to deliver an improved smile and thus instills confidence in both young and the old.

These treatments aim at removing the stains caused by nicotine, cola, coffee, tea, berries and curries. They also help in concealing the stains and filling the gaps and worn enamel. More often than not, it is a comprehensive process that lasts for about three to four weeks and delivers magical results. It provides a brighter, shinier smile, and as they walk out of the clinic, they feel a newness in their overall appearance.

Teeth whitening is an extremely safe process and has no major aftereffects, if proper guidance and professional help is acquired. Some patients might face over-sensitive teeth and gums after the process. However, it disappears in about two to three days after the whitening. A post-whitening fluoride treatment is recommended to nourish teeth and boost rehydration.

Having said that, some things need to be followed on a regular basis after teeth whitening for the safekeeping of your gifted smile. Following are the tips to be taken to sustain your whitening:

·         Cut down on sodas and sweets
·         Avoid nicotine and drinks
·         Don’t forget to brush and floss, after having food
·         Regular visits to our dentist are a must
·         Use a fluoride toothpaste for better nourishment

With teeth whitening, you can walk out with a healthier smile and an elevated confidence.  It fills you up with newfound confidence and fosters an improved dental health. So, just go ahead and gift yourself a new smile and confidence and spread it as much as possible!

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