Monday, 12 November 2018

Dieting During Holidays – How to Get it Right?

Dieting during the holidays can be tough. Think of all the dinners, the office parties, the bashes and other events right from Thanksgiving to the New Year. Where is the diet you ask? It is nowhere, to be honest. But don’t let the Holiday stress get you down by thinking that you are going to put on fat at the wrong places. Here we have for you some essential dieting tips, which will help your cause when it comes to fat reduction in Bahrain or elsewhere. Take a look:

  1. Eat a Big Breakfast – The first thing that you need to keep in mind is to ensure that you start the day with a massive breakfast. This is because most of the holiday functions are held during the afternoon as well as in the evenings. Hence, the breakfast is your only chance to grab a big bite and keep yourself satiated for the rest of the day. It also keeps the blood sugar in check, gets rid of the cravings and also helps you kickstart the day with all the chores that you need to do with complete energy.
  2. Take Small Portions – Another rule of the thumb is to trick your mind into thinking that you did eat, and yet, not eating massive proportions of food. This you can do by taking small portions of your favorite food, be it a pie or eggnog. You can strike a balance with healthy food on one half of the plate and use the other half for Holiday special food. This will keep the sugar and the excess fat or carbs in check.
  3. Sweat It Out – Yes, we understand that the Holiday season is all about resting. But it is also about getting things done, including cooking, cleaning, and other activities. Don’t let all that hamper your daily workouts though. Make it a point to take some time out and exercise so that you can burn off the extra calories.
  4. Skip the Desserts – It is often the sugar-laced Holiday desserts that are the main culprits when it comes to weight gain. Hence, do skip the desserts and instead, have some more of the roasted food, especially the ones rich in protein. This will keep you satiated for a long time. It is also a good idea to eat some heavy meals before going to a party as it will keep you from eating way too much.
These are some of the diet tips that will stop you from going overboard during the Holidays. Keep a tab on this space for more such information. Cheers and happy holidays!!!

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