Tuesday, 13 November 2018

5 Hair Fall Myths That You Need to Stop Believing

Hair fall and hair loss is a point of concern for men as well as women. Because every hair is different, the ways to deal with falling strands is also different. But before you opt for hair fall control, here are some of the common myths related to it that you need to stop believing:

  1. Cutting the hair helps you grow more hair – This myth is no short of an old wives’ tale. It does NOT matter whether you shave or chop off the locks, you will not benefit from more hair as the number of hair follicles will remain the same. Instead, it will only make the hair more manageable. For womenfolk, it will not get entangled and for the men, it will reduce the agony of falling hair.
  2. Caps and hats lead to hair loss – Wearing a cap or a hat is more of a style statement. But it also helps keep your hair in the best health possible. But you may think that it is also something that is leading to hair fall and hair loss. Well, you are wrong. It is true that this act can put pressure on your hair follicles, but have no harmful effects whatsoever on your hair volume.
  3. Massaging the scalp is a great idea – It is true that the gentle massaging of the scalp can help you improve the blood circulation. It also has a great effect on your hair’s quality. But this has no direct correlation with the increase or the decrease of the hair follicles or hair growth for that matter. Hard massaging on the other hand, can prove to be damaging as it leads to excessive breakage.
  4. Washing the hair in cold water can prevent hair fall – Ideally, washing your hair and your skin needs to be done with lukewarm water. Hence, instead of washing your hair in cold water, try washing it with water that’s mildly warm or at room temperature. It is also essential to know which are the best products that can be used for the hair wash. This takes us to the next point.
  5. Using excessive shampoo can lead to hair fall – No, shampooing does not cause hair loss. What you need to know is that clean hair is essential to get rid of all the dirt and debris and product buildup and lets your follicles to breathe. This also prevents dandruff from forming.
These are the top five hair fall myths that you need to stop believing right now. For more tips on hair care, keep a tab on this space.

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