Thursday, 11 October 2018

4 Winter Care Mistakes You Need to Stop Making

When the weather is cold, the skin problems become manifold. Think of chapped skin, dry and itchy skin, flakes etc. But there are certain winter care mistakes, which are to be blamed instead of the weather. Let us take a look at some of the common winter care mistakes that you need to stop making right away:

1. Using the same skincare products – The rule of the thumb is to switch to winter-special products during the time of the year. Switch to milder products, which will have less of harsh chemicals and more of gentle ones so that it helps keep your skin looking young and healthy. It is also important to choose the product according to your skin type to derive maximum benefits.

2. Skipping exfoliation – You may feel that there is no need to exfoliate during winters due to the outside dry patches on the skin. But trust us, exfoliation can make it only better. What you can opt for here is a gentler scrub or go ahead and make yourself a scrub. Don’t overdo it though, about once a week of scrubbing in the entire week may suffice. It will clear the dead skin cells build up on the skin, making it look flaky and dull.

3. Ditching sunscreen – The days will be shorter during winter. But this doesn’t mean that you can skip the routine of applying sunscreen and stepping out. This is because your skin can also get sunburned during outdoor activities such as skiing, snowboarding, skating and so on and so forth, because the snow will reflect the sunlight.

4. Not paying attention to hands and feet – Both your hands and your feet can become dry, dull and flaky during the winter months, even if you cover them with woolens. You need to ensure that you use a special hands/foot cream to moisturize them properly in these months. It is also important to keep reapplying the moisturizers from time to time. The same goes for your lips, which needs constant moisturizing so that they do not end up being chapped or cracked all the time!!

These are some of the mistakes that you may be making during the winter months. Now that you are aware of them, make it a point to pay attention and work towards having beautiful skin!! For more write-ups on topics such as skin whitening UAE, keep watching this space.

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