Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Tips for preventing Gum Disease

The need for prevention of gum disease is more urgent than ever since more and more research about gum disease is surfacing. Gum disease happens when gum tissue and surrounding bones become infected. Gingivitis, a type of gum disease, affects only the gums. Periodontitis is one of the most severest form of gum disease affecting the gums as well as the bones supporting your teeth. Gum disease is a major threat since it is linked to serious conditions like heart disease and stroke. Many people aren’t even aware they have gum disease until it’s too late, so you’ll want to be sure to take extra precaution. To help, our Dubai Dentists have compiled the following tips helping to prevent gum disease from developing.
1. Practice Good Oral Hygiene
Good dental care is crucial for healthy gums even though it may seem obvious. Brushing your teeth is not only enough but also you should add flossing to your dental hygiene routine thereby reducing the risk of plaque building up and damaging your gums. An antimicrobial mouthwash low in alcohol can also be used and it is also beneficial to your oral health.
2. Increase Intake of Vitamin C
Deficiency in Vitamin C have proven to be one of the leading causes of gum disease. Including more vitamin C in your diet help in preventing gum disease from developing and also in curing gum disease. Vitamin C has healing properties stopping gums from swelling, receding, bleeding, and also stabilizing loosened teeth.
3. Eat a healthy diet
Maintaining a healthy diet helps in preventing gum disease. Avoid adding sugary foods and drinks since this will lead to tooth decay and gum damage. Eating a balanced and nutritious diet filled with vitamins and minerals boosts immunity and treat many diseases, including gum disease.
4. Stay Hydrated
Prevention of gum disease involves staying hydrated and promoting overall health. Drinking plenty of water produces more saliva which helps fight off bacteria that cause infection of your gums.
5. Stop smoking
Smoking cigarettes and using tobacco products can cause countless health issues, particularly gum disease. Tobacco products are very harmful to your gum tissues and need to be avoided at all cost.
6. See your Dentist Regularly
Seeing your dentist regularly cannot be stressed enough. Getting professional teeth cleaning is the best preventative measure for gum disease. It is also important to visit your dentist regularly so they can check for any warning signs of gum disease and other dental issues.
Gum disease is not only harmful to your oral health, but also to your overall health. It’s crucial that you follow the above recommendations to lower your risk for gum disease. Visit Lookswoow’s Dubai Dental Clinic for more tips and information about preventing gum disease.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

About Teeth Whitening

More people seek out teeth whitening solutions than any other treatment among accessible, effective and affordable cosmetic dental treatments. Lots of orthodontist witness patients request teeth whitening in some other form once treatment was complete. However a bright, white smile helps in building confidence in both personal and professional settings.

The appearance of your smile can be radically improved by whitening your teeth. Comes to the market the over-the-counter whitening products – such as toothpastes, whitening strips and bleaching trays – than ever before a brighter smile is within more people’s grasp. However, the safest, fastest, and most effective means of achieving a whiter smile comes with professional, in-office whitening treatments
In –Office Whitening
Effective lightening of teeth and removing surface stains can be achieved by many teeth whitening systems – toothpastes and over-the-counter strips, trays and rinses. Removal of deep discoloration or more challenging stains cannot be done by such treatments. In-office whitening,also known as power whitening, professional whitening and chairside whitening, offers controlled and safe treatment which involves a highly concentrated bleaching agent and capable of removing discoloration with near-immediate results.

Thanks to advancements in dental products and technology, this method of Whitening has become a simple process.The usage of complex equipment like heat lamps which expedite bleaching process, have cut down the length of time significantly it takes for results to be seen.

The process involves the application of bleaching gel directly to the surface of the teeth, and is activated using a heat and light source, like dental laser. Depending on the desired outcome, the bleaching solution stays on the teeth for 30-60 minutes. Dramatic results can be achieved following the treatment

Benefits of Professional Whitening Treatment
No other teeth whitening treatment produces such immediate results when time is essential; Fewer dental visits are required and little time is taken away from your daily routine.

The process of delivering this method of whitening treatments has been developed with optimum safety in mind for the patient. The teeth are isolated and the gel applied only to the tooth structure, thereby avoiding soft tissue damage or discomfort for the patient.

This process has also developed into a more comfortable experience. Usage of thick bleaching gel that won’t soak into the tooth’s enamel has helped to alleviate one of the common complaints – tooth sensitivity. Thicker gel and modern treatments include the usage of desensitizers, such as potassium nitrate, and fluoride.

Bleaching is not recommended in children under the age of 16, or for pregnant women. It is also not advised to bleach sensitive teeth, or for patients with receding gums, exposed roots, worn enamel, damaged restorations or peroxide allergies. Its best to seek out the advice of your dentist before committing to any form of whitening treatment.

Contact Lookswoow Dental Clinic for teeth whitening by scheduling an appointment or by calling 971(04) 448 7016

Oral Hygiene – Dental Implants

Oral hygiene is important for dental implants longevity. Special attention should be need to be given to oral hygiene post surgery. Ensure following these tips to keep your dental implants functional for long:

·         Regular brushing

Brush your teeth at least twice a day. This will ensure the prevention of growth of bacteria and protection of your teeth from tooth decay and other oral diseases. Over a 1000 bacteria and viruses have been found in the mouth. Electric brushes have been shown to both clean more thoroughly and take less time. This is one of the most profound changes I have seen in 31 years of placing implants.

·         Daily flossing

Flossing should become a part of your daily oral hygiene routine. Flossing will remove food debris in between the teeth and implants. This prevents the growth of harmful bacteria and checks the development of tooth decay and gum disease. A water pik water flosser may be a suitable substitute if your dental hygienist recommends one.

·         Regular dental appointments

It is important having the dental implants checked regularly. Regular dental examinations ensure that your dentist knows about the development of implants and gives coaching on how to avoid the serious problems. This also helps to identify any problems and deal with them early.

·         Professional cleaning

Regular teeth cleaning by a professional is very much needed for teeth and gum health. Ensure that your teeth are professionally cleaned 4 times a year during the first year once the implant is placed. We recommend quarterly cleaning intervals initially to help establishing habits helping to keep soft tissues healthy. After that, your dental hygienist will let you know how frequent you need to have your teeth cleaned. This varies considerably between patients and also ensures thorough cleaning of the teeth and gums and prevents the development of gum disease.

Contact Sameday Dental Implants for the best Dental Implant Service

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

كل ما عليك معرفته عن عملية تصغير الثدي

اذا كنت تفكرين بعملية تصغير الثدي, عليك البدأ بدرس العملية  قبل الشروع فيها. تشتكي النساء التي تعاني من ضخامة

 الثدي في العادة من المشاكل الآتية:

·         آلام الظهر و الاكتاف
·         التهاب جرثومي تحت الثدي
·         تخدر او احساس بالوخز في الاصابع و اليدين
·         تجويف في الاكتاف بسبب حمالات الصدر
يمكن ان يكون لديهن مشاكل في :

·         ايجاد حمالة صدر مناسبة و صالحة لممارسة التمارين الرياضية
·         التوازن
·         ثقة النفس
تشمل عملية تصغير الثدي التقليدية شقا يسمى المرساة. يبدأ الجرح حول هالة الحلمة ثم يشق الجراح بشكل مستقيم نزولا الى طية الثدي السفلى و بعدها يشق الى جانب الثدي على طول الطية. تسمى هذه التقنية ب ( (SPAIR  و تتضمن جرحا واحدا حول هالة الحلمة و ينزل الى طية الثدي السفلى و ينتهي على الجهة الخارجية من اسفل الثدي. و من اهم فوائد هذه التقنية انها تظهر الثدي اكثر امتلاءا  في شق الصدر لوقت اطول. كذلك لا تظهر هذه التقنية جروحا على الجهة الخارجية او الداخلية من الثدي.
لا تحتاج العملية لدخول المستشفى لكنها تحتاج لفترة اسبوع من الراحة في العادة. كما انه لم يعد يستخدم الانابيب خلالها. و الشعور بالالم بسيط و المخاطر قليلة بشكل عام حيث ان الخطر الاكثر شيوعا هو مشكلة في عملية شفاء الجرح الذي يمكن معالجته من خلال تغيير متكرر للضمادات. ان المرضى الذين يعانون من مشاكل السمنة و المدخنون معرضون اكثر لمخاطر العملية. لذلك عليك وقف التدخين لثلاثة اشهر على الاقل و انقاص الوزن ليصل الى تحت 30 BMI  قبل الخضوع للعملية.
اظهرت العديد من الابحاث فوائد عملية تصغير الثدي. فمعظم المرضى تخلصن من آلام الظهر و الاكتاف بعد العملية. ايضا, اختفت مشكلة الالتهابات. و قد تحسن التخدر في الاصابع. و الاهم من ذلك, تشعر النساء من بعدها بالثقة من انفسهن.

All You Need To Know About Breast Reduction

If you are considering Breast Reduction Surgery, you’ll want to do your research before proceeding.
Women with large breasts (Macromastia) often complain of:
·         Shoulder and back pain
·         Infections under the breasts
·         Numbness or tingling in their hands and fingers
·         Indentations of their shoulders from their bra straps
They may also have trouble with:
·         Finding bras that fit and they can exercise in
·         Balance issues
·         Low Self-esteem

The items in the first list support insurance coverage of the procedure. Yet, insurance companies have been making it difficult to get authorization for the procedure. In my experience, they have been making unreasonable demands for the amount of tissue to remove. Removing too much tissue can cause problems. I refuse to compromise blood flow to the nipple or reduce the breast to an A cup. Insurance Companies may also ask for months of physical therapy to correct shoulder and back pain before surgery. Many have even eliminated Breast Reduction as a covered benefit in their plans.
The traditional Breast Reduction surgery involves an anchor type incision. The resulting scar is around the nipple areola, comes straight down and then across the bottom of the breast. The technique called SPAIR reduction involves only a scar that goes around the areola and comes straight down and to the outside of the bottom of the breast. The main advantage of this technique is that the breasts stay up longer and look fuller in the cleavage area. The other advantage is avoiding scars that can be seen on the outside and inside of the breasts. With the traditional technique, you will find the breasts reduced, but they are also droopy and flat after about a year.
The operation is an outpatient procedure and usually requires about a week off work. Drains are no longer used. Pain is usually minimal, the ACE wrap seems to be more uncomfortable than the actual surgery. Risks are generally minor, the most common is a slight wound healing problem for which you may need to do dressing changes. Smokers and the obese are at much higher risk for complications. You should stop smoking for at least 3 months before the procedure and getting your BMI under 30 before considering surgery.
Many studies have shown the beneficial results of Breast Reduction Surgery. Patients, for the most part, get relief of back and shoulder pain following the reduction. The infections underneath disappear. The tingling in the fingers improves and, most important, women feel better about themselves.

Monday, 18 September 2017

كيفية التحضير لعملية التجميل

تبدا معظم الناس بالتحضير لعملية التجميل بالبحث عن جراحي التجميل و اختيار الجراح الانسب لهم. لذلك عليك اخذ الوقت الكافي للتحضير لما بعد العملية.
لا تحتاج العمليات الغير تدخلية مثل البوتكس او اذابة الدهون بتقنية التجميد (CoolSculpting ( التحضير المعمق حيث لا تستدعي  وقتا للشفاء. و لكن عمليات التجميل مثل تكبير الثدي و شد البطن و رفع الوجه تحتاج وقت شفاء اكثر لذلك عليك التحضير للعملية مسبقا لتسهلي الامر عليك.

الاعمال المنزلية

اتمام ما عليك من اشغال في المنزل. انجزي ما لديك من اعمال منزلية مهمة قبل الخضوع للعملية او استقدمي شخصا آخر 
للقيام بهذه الاعمال خلال فترة تعافيك.

نقل كل الاغراض الاساسية الى الرفوف السفلية. لا تحاولي جلب اي شيئ عن الرفوف العلوية خلال مدة الشفاء. فقط 

انقليها الى الرفوف السفلية قبل العملية.

وضع الاشياء الضرورية بالقرب من السرير. ابقي المناديل الورقية و قنينة المياه و شاحن الهاتف و جهاز تحكم التلفاز و 
غيرها من المستلزمات في متناول اليد.

احضار كيس للمهملات الى السيارة. يسبب التخدير و الالم بعد العملية الشعور بالغثيان لذلك جهزي نفسك لهذا الامر.

نزع الاظافر الاصتناعية و تقليمها. ان الشعور بالحكة متوقع بعد العملية بسبب الادوية او الضمادات و لكنه غير مسموح ان تحكي نفسك. 

منظومة المساعدة

اعداد السائقين. لا يمكنك القيادة بعد العملية لذلك اتفقي مع شخص آخر لاخذك الى الزيارات بعد العملية.

تنظيم الوجبات. اشتري الوجبات المعدة مسبقا او ضعي ما يمكنك تحضيره قبل العملية في الثلاجة.
طلب المساعدة في العناية بالاطفال او الحيوانات الاليفة. اسمحي لغيرك بالعناية باطفالك و الحيوانات الاليفة خلال فترة الشفاء.

اخذ اجازة من العمل. يعتمد وقت المعافاة على نوع العملية التي خضعت لها. فالمرضى الذين اجروا عملية تكبير الثدي يعودون للعمل بعد اسبوع. و لكن فترة الشفاء لعملية شد البطن تتراوح بين الاربعة الى ستة اسابيع على الرغم من ان معظم المرضى يعودون الى العمل بعد اسبوعين. اسألي جراحك عن المدة التي تحتاجين اليها بعيدة عن العمل.


الانتهاء من التسوق. خزني الاغراض واشتري الهدايا لاعياد الميلاد و غيرها قبل العملية.

الوسائد المريحة و الكبيرة. عليك الجلوس بدرجة 45 زاوية لابقاء الورم و الكدمات في الحد الادنى.

شراء ملابس سهلة النزع. عليك الانتباه على الضمادات وستكون حركتك مقيدة بعد العملية. فاحرصي على احضار ملابس بسحاب او أزرار من الامام.

شراء بطانيات لحماية الفراش من الافرازات. احمي فراشك و الاريكة من افرازات قد تتسرب من مكان الجرح.

الادوية و علاج الالم

وقف ادوية الالتهاب الغير ستيرويد و الاعشاب الطبية قبل اسبوعين من العملية. تقوم الادوية مثل الاسبيرين و الموترين و الايبوبروفين و الادفيل بتسييل الدم لمنع التجلط مما يمكن ان يسبب بنزيف خلال العملية.

شراء ادوية مسهلة او ملينة للغائط. يؤدي استخدام المسكنات لعملية تكبير الثدي او شد المعدة الى الامساك لذلك من الافضل استخدام مليّنات او مسهل للمساعدة في التغوط. و يوجد طرق اخرى لا تحتاج للادوية مثل شرب كميات كبيرة من الماء و تناول الكثير من الالياف.
الامتناع عن التدخين قبل اسبوعين من العملية. يعاني المدخنون من نسبة مضاعفات اكثر. فالنسبة العالية من اول اكسيد الكربون في الدم تمنع الدم من نقل الاوكسجين بفعالية. بالاضافة الى ذلك, يعاني المدخنون من بطئ عملية الشفاء.               

How to Prepare For Plastic Surgery

Most patients prepare for their Plastic Surgery by researching several Plastic Surgeons and choosing the one they feel most comfortable with.  But, the preparation should not end there.  Before surgery, you should take the time to prepare for after surgery.
Non-invasive procedures like Botox, CoolSculpting, and Ulthera do not need any preparation as they have no downtime.  But, most Plastic Surgery operations like  Breast AugmentationTummy Tucks, and Face Lifts require a more involved recovery and will be easier if you prepare beforehand.
Don’t underestimate the importance of this prep work. You may have the will to push through and carry out your daily tasks after plastic surgery; however, you are not doing your body any favors by being stubborn.
Instead of risking your health and results by pushing yourself after surgery, dedicate your time and energy before your surgery. The list below can help you get your to-do list started! 
Complete all housework. It’s easy to underestimate how many little things you do throughout the week. Usually, you can manage them a little at a time as you go about your day. That won’t work after surgery. Take care of anything and everything you might have to do before going in for your procedure.  After all, no one wants to do dishes or laundry while recovering from surgery!
Move essential items to lower shelves. While recovering, you shouldn’t try to get anything off the top shelves. If you regularly use an item, move it down to a more reasonable height. This step will help you stay independent and safe.
Set out any necessary items on your bedside table. Keeping tissues, bottled water, lip balm and similar items within arm’s reach can simplify your life by quite a bit. You don’t want to be getting up and down more than is necessary. If you don’t already charge your phone on your bedside table, move that as well. Books or a TV remote should be nearby as well.
Place a small trash can in your car. Anesthesia and post-op pain medication can cause nausea. Protect the vehicle that picks you up with a bit of forethought. Your ride will thank you.
Remove any artificial nails and trim your nails. It’s common for patients to itch after surgery either because of medications or dressings.  You do not want accidentally to hurt yourself scratching. 
Arrange Drivers.  Needless to say, the day of surgery you will not be able to drive.  But, you should also arrange for drivers you can trust on rely on to take you to your post-op visits.
Plan meals. After surgery, you aren’t going to want to cook. Either buy pre-made meals or freeze your own before surgery.
Schedule child and pet care. Both your kids and your pets will need someone to look after them for a while. You don’t want to scramble for help when you are healing.
Take an appropriate amount of time off work. Depending on what procedure(s) you are undergoing, your recuperation time will differ. Any invasive surgery, however, will require some time off to heal. People tend to be back to work within a week after breast augmentation. A tummy tuck, on the other hand, will usually take four to six weeks to heal, although patients often return to work in as little as two weeks. Make sure you and the surgeon discuss the amount of time off work you will need before surgery.  Remember, your body needs time to heal after surgery, and you do not want to return to work too soon.  You probably do not want to work if you still require pain medication.. 
Finish any shopping. Any errand that you can complete ahead of time should be taken care of beforehand. Stock up on groceries and have at least one new bra ready to go.  You will also want to purchase any gifts (birthday, shower, Christmas, etc..) before surgery so that you do not have to worry about them after surgery.
Get big, plump pillows. To keep swelling and bruising to a minimum, you will need to sit up at a 45-degree angle. The best set-up is the position that works for you. However, if you plan to purchase new pillows to accommodate this change, consider trying a wedge-shaped pillow. 
Buy clothes that are easy to remove. After surgery, you need to be mindful of your bandages as well as your physical limitations. You are not going to pull a t-shirt off over your head after a breast augmentation. Instead, choose articles of clothing that have buttons or a zipper in the front.
Purchase pads to protect your mattress from discharge. It is not flattering to think about, but you may have some drainage from your incision site. You should be prepared to have some drainage and protect not only your mattress but your recliner or sofa. 
Stop taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications two weeks before surgery. Medicines like Aspirin, Motrin, Ibuprofen, and Advil will thin your blood. These drugs prevent clotting and could cause bleeding during surgery.  You should also stop most herbal supplements at least two weeks before.  
 Get laxatives or a stool softener. Pain medications needed for breast augmentation surgery or a tummy tuck can cause constipation. There are things you can do without medication to help. Drinking lots of fluids, eating a high fiber diet, limiting your postoperative narcotics, walking, and avoiding constipating foods can help. However, in some cases, you might need a little extra help. It’s better to have laxatives or a stool softener available and not need it than to need it and not have it.

Stop smoking for at least two weeks before and after surgery. Smokers experience an increased risk of complications. The increased amount of carbon monoxide in smokers’ systems hinders the blood’s ability to carry oxygen. Additionally, smokers heal slower than non-smokers 

Friday, 15 September 2017

افضل خدمات العناية بالاسنان في مستشفى الاكاديمية الامريكية للتجميل في دبي

يقدم المنتجع الصحي الفرصة لقضاء عطلة نهاية الاسبوع في الاسترخاء والاستجمام برفاهية و لحصول على تدليك مهدئ للجسم. فوجود الروائح العطرة وضوء الشموع وملئ الجو بالموسيقى الهادئة يخفف من الضغط النفسي و يزيد التجربة متعة.
كذلك يمكن لمنتجعات العناية بالاسنان توفير مناخ من الراحة خلال علاج الاسنان. فمجرد ذكر علاج الاسنان يضع الانسان في مزاج متوتر ويدب الخوف فيه من الجلوس في كرسي عيادة الاسنان.

نقدم في مركز اللؤلؤة الطبي (قسم طب الاسنان في مستشفى الاكاديمية الامريكية للتجميل) افضل علاجات الاسنان الى جانب الراحة التي يقدمها المنتجع الصحي. يمكن للمرضى تجربة اعلى المعايير في خدمة الزبائن والنظافة في احدث عيادة للاسنان. يخضع المرضى لعلاج الاسنان من دون توتر او قلق من خلال استخدام احدث المعدات و التكنولوجيا في مجال طب الاسنان التي تحد من الالم والانزعاج.

يسعى اطباء الاسنان المحترفون في مركز اللؤلؤة الى حصول المرضى على الرعاية الى جانب التأكد من خضوعهم للعلاج والارشادات  المناسبين لحالة اسنانهم.

يمكن علاج تغير لون الاسنان بسبب القهوة او الشاي او التدخين من خلال تقنية تبييض الاسنان عندنا. ايضا, يؤثر العمر على مظهر الاسنان لذلك تقدم تقنية تبييض الاسنان المتوفرة في مركز اللؤلؤة لطب الاسنان الحل الافضل من دون خطر تضرر الاسنان.

ان ابتسامة هوليوود هي اكثر العلاجات رغبة لان الجميع يرغبون الابتسامة البراقة التي تعطي انطباعا مترسخا في حياتهم الاجتماعية والمهنية. ان العلاجات التجميلية عندنا لا تقدم ابتسامة اصطناعية و لكنها تحسن بشكل ملحوظ بياض و بريق اسنانك لتعطيك مظهرا طبيعيا من كل النواحي. ان وضع قشرة خزفية (الفينير) هي اكثر علاجات الاسنان شيوعا في العيادات. فهي عبارة عن قشرة رقيقة جدا يتم وضعها على الواجهة الامامية للاسنان بمساعدة مواد او سوائل لاصقة. فاذا كنت ترغب ببساطة اسنانا ناصعة البياض بسرعة, فالقشرة الخزفية هي الحل الامثل والانسب لاضفاء اللمعان لاسنانك.
احد العلاجات المتوفرة في العيادات هي لصق الاسنان لترميم الاسنان المتضررة او المكسورة او المشقوقة او المصدعة. كذلك يمكن للعلاج جعل السن اطول لمظهر ابتسامة افضل وسد الثغرات بين الاسنان وتحسين الاسنان المغيرة لونها بشدة. لا ضرورة للتخدير خلال عملية لصق السن الا في حالة التسوس وتاخذ العملية حوالي 30 الى 60 دقيقة لكل سن. فلصق الاسنان غير مكلف ولا يتضمن الالم ويرمم الاسنان لتبدو طبيعية حيث يتم تنسيق لون القطعة مع لون اسنانك الطبيعي.                 

Thursday, 14 September 2017

How Soon Is Too Soon For a Mommy Makeover

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there were 3,952,841 babies born in 2014, which equals around 10,829 daily.  Behind each of those new, smiling faces is a tired mother who put in nine months of serious effort.
In addition to dealing with a demanding bundle of joy, there are many pressures associated with post-pregnancy. You may feel pressure to return to a post-pregnancy size, insecurities associated with sagging breasts, and disappointment at a lack of immediate results. Even if you bounce back to the weight you were before pregnancy;it is unlikely that your figure will naturally return to the same shape. The same amount of weight can be distributed very differently after giving birth.
What Is A Mommy Makeover?
The Mommy Makeover is a combination of cosmetic procedures that lessen or reverse the long-term impact of  pregnancy on your body. These methods include but are not limited to:
Breast Augmentation – After pregnancy, you may experience sagging and deflation of your breasts. This change is particularly the case after breastfeeding. If you chose to breastfeed your child, your breasts might have expanded while you were lactating. It is not uncommon after you have finished breastfeeding for deflation of the breasts to occur. Breast augmentation can reverse this by enhancing the body contour and adding fullness to breasts. In this procedure, either saline or silicone gel implants are placed behind the breasts.  The implants are placed either underneath the breast tissue or behind the chest wall muscle.
Breast Lift – Breast Lift is performed to reposition sagging breasts and provide perkiness. Like a Breast Augmentation, a Breast Lift can also reverse the effects of post-pregnancy sagginess and deflation. The excess skin is trimmed, and the supporting tissue is tightened to support a contoured breast.  The traditional Breast Lift involves an anchor type incision.  However, with the short scar technique, the scar does not go across the entire lower crease.
Tummy Tuck – During pregnancy, the skin on your stomach stretched significantly.  Giving birth immediately takes the pressure off your belly. However, you should not expect your skin to automatically contract to its pre-pregnancy state, especially after multiple births or births of multiples. Even after returning to a satisfactory weight, many women find that flabby skin and stretch marks due to weight gain can last for years. A Tummy Tuck can flatten and shape the abdomen and waist by removing excess fat and skin and tightening the underlying muscles. Stretch marks below the belly button can also be removed.  Some women may also notice a small hernia at the belly button. Often, a hernia can be repaired at the time of a Tummy Tuck.
Labiaplasty – Misshapen or enlarged labia minora can cause discomfort during intimacy or when wearing snug clothes. A Labiaplasty reduces and improves the size and shape of the labia minora, labia majora or both. Reshaping this tissue can reduce genital discomfort and decrease the prominence of the labia.
Liposuction – Some women have difficulty losing their baby weight. Liposuction can help address problem areas that diet and exercise miss. Unwanted areas of localized fat are removed from nearly any area of the body.  
How Soon Can You Get A Mommy Makeover?
Mommy Makeovers are recommended after a minimum of six months post-delivery and breastfeeding. There is no upper limit on how long you can wait to get one. Regardless of whether you now have a toddler or an adult child, you can undergo a Mommy Makeover.
Depending on what procedures you want, the exact timeline may vary. Combining these operations into a single surgical plan can sometimes cause your total recovery time to decrease.
First, you probably only want to consider undergoing a Mommy Makeover once you are finished having children. The Mommy Makeover is intended to return the body to a pre-pregnancy state, and another pregnancy may stretch the tummy and breasts again. To see lasting results, you should not have a Mommy Makeover if you plan to have more children.
If you smoke, you must stop smoking at least three months before and after the surgery. Smoking significantly increases the likelihood of complications and can complicate your healing process.  
Tummy tuck candidates should be in good physical condition, follow a healthy diet, and exercise regularly. Your lifestyle and habits should also support the surgery, or the benefits could disappear.
It is also important to be close to your ideal weight before undergoing a Mommy Makeover. The preferred Body Mass Index (BMI) is less than 30.  These are cosmetic procedures, not bariatric ones. If you plan on losing more weight, do so first. This weight loss will prevent you from needing to repeat your Mommy Makeovers to manage the new loose skin.
If you are breastfeeding, wait at least six months after stopping to receive a Breast Augmentation or a Breast Lift.
Recovering From A Mommy Makeover
All the procedures that make up a Mommy Makeover are invasive. Undergoing a Mommy Makeover will need you to schedule adequate recovery time. Your ease of recovery will depend on your conditioning and how well you prepare ahead of time.
The amount of time you need to recover from a Mommy Makeover will vary depending on the procedures that you have done. The more procedures you have done, the longer it may take to heal fully. Do not expect the full results of the Mommy Makeover to appear overnight.  It can take anywhere from six months to a year for your body to heal and adjust to its new figure. Despite the difficulties that go along with surgery, a recent survey found 97 percent of women feel happier after undergoing Mommy Makeover procedures.
For a speedy recovery, you should refrain from typical household duties for an average of around three weeks. If you are a new mom, this will impact your infant’s schedule. Do not try to push through the pain to help your baby. It is not safe for either of you. Instead, schedule family and friends to help before your surgery. Resting is important after surgery; however, you must make sure to move regularly to keep the blood flowing and prevent blood clots

There are multiple phases of recovery, and you will require different things at different stages of the healing process.  The first two to four weeks you may need pain medication and to restrict your movement. After that, you may begin increasing the intensity of your activity. It will take two to three months to return to normal.  Your scars will take at least six months to mature but will continue to fade for many years after.  You can expect to see your final results after about six months.