is Teeth Whitening Toothpaste?
During your teeth whitening treatment
session your dentist will use a special type of toothpaste to break down the
teeth stains. You can also carry out this treatment by yourself at home.
However, it takes around two to six weeks for the results to become apparent.
These types of toothpaste contain a special substance known as blue covarine.
This substance is responsible for breaking down stains and turning teeth to the
original white color. Covarine creates a thin film on the teeth due to which
they start appearing white.
Do Teeth Turn Yellow?
Just like our cheeks, our teeth also
contain pores which are not visible from naked eyes. When we drink beverages
like coffee, soda or eat foods like pomegranate, these pores absorb their
color, and we start seeing the stains. With regular use of these foods, the
stains start darkening up and the ultimate solution to remove these is to use a
prescribed tooth whitening gel. This gel is effective in fighting these stains
and turning the color of teeth back to natural white.
is Custom Whitening Tray?
Dentists use a custom whitening tray during
the teeth whitening procedure to evenly spread the whitening gel across every
Teeth Whitening Procedure Cause Sensitivity?
If you feel sensitivity in teeth after the
whitening procedure, then it is an expected discomfort. It happens because
during the procedure your teeth become dehydrates. Expert dentists suggest that
the sensitivity usually lasts for 36 hours max. In cases where teeth
sensitivity becomes unbearable dentists suggest post-whitening fluoride
treatment as a temporary cure.
Long Does It Take to Remove Stains?
If you have extreme stains on your teeth,
then you may need multiple sessions of the whitening procedure. It is difficult
to attain white teeth in one go because it takes time for the teeth to absorb
the whitening agent.
is the Best Time to Get Whitening Done?
The pores of the teeth start opening up
after whitening procedure. It means the foods which you eat after the procedure
are likely to cause stains again. Hence, it is advisable to undertake the
treatment just before you go to sleep. Also, your teeth will get rehydration
and remineralization benefits during this time.
If you want to undergo teeth whitening procedure in Abu Dhabi, then prefer consulting the experienced dentists of Sno
Clinic. They used advanced technology methods for all dental procedures.