Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Is Dental Implant a permanent solution to broken teeth?

Have you got a damaged or broken tooth? If yes then definitely you need a permanent solution.
Have you heard of dental implant? Let’s understand what it is and how it can help you. It is a
permanent solution to missing teeth. This technique renders a long-lasting and naturally looking
substitute of the missing tooth. The replica tooth fits in jawbone like a veritable tooth and maintains
oral health. It is made up of titanium metal which fuses easily with living jaw bone. This fusion is
known as “osseo-integrate”. Since 1970, when dental implant was introduced numerous
improvements have been made in this area.

Dental implant surgery is carried out under the influence of local anesthesia. To make a note before
you undergo this surgery- if you feel gentle vibrations even after application of anesthesia then don’t
panic because it is not harmful and will be tolerable. The surgery is minimally invasive and leverages
little discomfort post operation. It takes two to four months to heal a single implant and crown is
attached only after complete fusion of the implant and jawbone. Moreover, bone density of the lost
tooth has a great influence on healing time- denser bones can be integrated early in comparison to
light bones. Successful integration is followed by crown fitting which will look and function exactly
like the original tooth. This is a single stage procedure.

In two-stage procedures, a connector is attached with the implant known as ‘abutment’ which
allows surrounding gum to heal around it. After the healing is done, a crown is attached to the

    Types of Dental Implant treatments

  1. Single tooth replacement- A tooth or missing tooth space is substituted by one implant and
one crown.

 2. Multiple tooth replacement- A bridge of implants is created to substitute the space of
multiple missing teeth. For example, space of three missing teeth will be replaced by a
three-unit bridge which encompasses two implants and three crowns. In cases of complete
jaw replacement four to eight implants are necessary using fixed bridgework.

 3. Combination of fixed and removable bridgework- As the name suggests it comprises both
fixed and a temporary bridgework which can be removed after some time.

4. Over-dentures- A denture is a set of removable false teeth. Over-dentures are used in cases
when multiple implants are fitted. It is used for people who have lost all teeth.

5. Temporary implant- These serve as anchor units to move some other tooth
6. Temporary bridgework- This saves a person from staying without teeth while permanent
implants are doing their work.

Same Day Dental Implants is a dental clinic based in Dubai. They provide services for single tooth
implants, multiple teeth implants and full mouth implants. Their surgeons are proficient in dentistry
and have delivered numerous successful results.

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Teeth Whitening Procedure and Its Benefits

If your teeth have turned yellow, then there's no shocking fact because it's a part of aging process. Our hair turns grey with time, and similarly, teeth tend to discolor with age. The inner part of our teeth is known as dentin and the outer portion as enamel. Many of us presume it awry that it is enamel which starts discoloring with time, however, according to medical science the discoloration happens in the dentin. Teeth are self-repairing structures which turn dentin darker and enamel thinner due to wear, grinding, chewing, etc. This activity makes teeth look yellow and dirty. A remedy to restore the white shine of teeth is to undergo whitening treatment by an experienced dentist. There are two types of such treatment- vital and non-vital.

Vital Whitening

If your teeth haven't undergone root canal treatment, then this procedure is for you. According to your comfort, you can get this therapy done either at dentist's clinic or your home.


Duration of treatment- 30 - 90 minutes
Sittings required- 1 to 3
It is a standard whitening procedure for teeth which uses strong concertation of hydrogen peroxide in the form of gel on tooth's surface. This process involves the projection of a specialized light on the applied agile gel to fasten the activity. It has three simple steps:
1.       Firstly, a gum protecting substance will be used in your mouth to cover the gums.
2.       Then, the tooth whitening gel will be applied evenly to your teeth.
3.     As mentioned before, this gel activates on the projection of a specialized light; hence, in this step,      your dentist will protrude the =light on your teeth for the effects to take place.
4.   After this sitting, if your teeth still seem discolored then another session would be required to obliterate the deposited dirt.


Duration of treatment- 2 weeks to 4 weeks
In-home care takes a different tangent to whitening process. What is not involved in this process is the need of the specialized light which played a significant role in the in-office procedure. Under the in-home process, your dentist will take impressions of your upper and lower jaws to get mouthpieces designed for you. You need to fit these mouthpieces in your teeth after greasing them with a whitening agent. You would need to wear the mouthpieces every day for at least 6-7 hours.

Non-Vital Whitening- This process is for you if your tooth has undergone root canal treatment ever. The steps to this therapy involve filling the whitening agent inside the root canalled tooth and then covering it with temporary filling for the whitening effects to take place. This process is followed further to achieve the desired brightness.


·           Teeth appear healthy and bright.
·           You can select teeth shade of your choice.
·           Boosted confidence while opening mouth and smiling.
·           It is the most conservative way to brighten the teeth.
·           It improves oral health.
·           Easy maintenance.

Teeth Whitening in Dubai

Lookswoow Dental Clinic and Teeth Whitening Spa in Dubai is one of the most prestigious dental clinics in the city. You can seek guidelines on cosmetic dentistry, general dentistry, how to brush, how to floss, oral health maintenance regimes, etc. by specialists.

Monday, 18 December 2017

Things to Consider Before Undergoing Plastic Surgery

If you are planning to undergo plastic surgery, then you must hold firm points to justify the favor. Thorough research and careful planning should be your homework in addition to specialist consultation. There are advanced aesthetic devices which can develop a virtual image before surgery and which as expected, should match the results of the surgery. However, you should not blindly rely on these implicit promises because there have been cases of aesthetic operations which went wrong. This does not necessarily mean that these aesthetic surgeries are fake. However, your analysis and consultation with a specialist and necessity of treatment can give a better inclination.

The following are five main things to consider before you opt for plastic surgery:

1.   Figure out if the surgery is necessary- Discuss with your specialist if the surgery is essential according to your body's adherence power. If you want to undergo this surgery to rectify the defects caused by accident then you should be careful in taking a final decision because the incurred losses have already disturbed the internal system. Similarly, if it is a congenital disability then see if you can hide the affected area with some external means.

2.   Plan your expenses- These surgeries usually hit heavy on pockets, hence, create a rough plan of your expenses to know if the surgery will prove beneficial to you and your family financially. Check with your insurance provider if they can accept your claim because mostly aesthetic surgeries are not reimbursable by insurance companies. If you are not eligible for a claim then plan your funds for surgery and medications.

3.    Say no to smoking- Yes! You read it right. The reason to quit smoking before the surgery is smoking can cause complications and can lead to serious side effects. It is advisable to leave smoking before and after two weeks of the surgery. Smoking can hinder speedy recovery after surgery.

4.  Understand risks- Make sure you seek explanation on risks associated with your case. Understand your risk report minutely before you attempt for the surgery.

5.   Know recovery time- Since this is a surgery, you'll require some time to recover. If you are working, then you may need to schedule leaves because your surgery involves healing time. Plan your everyday activities according to instructions given by your surgeon.

Plastic surgery in Dubai

The Al Khayal Clinic, a department of American Academy of Cosmetics surgery Hospital is widely renowned for its specialist consultation and surgeons. If you are looking for a plastic surgeonin Dubai, then seek consultation from Al Khayal Clinic's professional specialists.

Same Day Dental Implant Treatment for Natural Looking Teeth

Are you looking out for a quick remedy to fill the space of your missing tooth? If yes then it's understood that you want to fix this at earl

iest possible to recoup your smile. Need not worry because dental departments have contrived immediate tooth implants. In this implant process, a metallic bone like artificial tooth is fixed in the place where the original tooth existed. A quick advantage you earn here is that the implant can take place immediately after the real tooth is extracted out. The materials which form an artificial tooth are compatible with jaws and its bones. Hence, it is an entirely safe installation. If you are going for the same day implant, then you are getting all your fixes done in a single day and probably in just one sitting.

Are same day implants considered safe?

Undeniably! If performed precisely by specialists then these tooth implants are utterly unscathed, unlike old tooth implant techniques which were full of inherent risks. As a part of groundwork, a dentist will always perform 3-D X-ray of the affected tooth space. After getting the implant accomplished, you will have to follow a specific diet as prescribed by your dentist till the affected area heals. Don't panic if you suffer pain for a couple of days initially because the pain will weaken down to zero percent shortly.

What are its advantages and risks?

·         It is a permanent fixture which is a replica of the original tooth.
·         The surgery does not make any stitches.
·         A single surgery can accomplish the task.
·         It leverages protection to gums.
·         After this surgery, you have no partial dentures.
·         It prevents teeth crowing for a bridge.
·         It is less painful than any implant procedures.

In addition to advantages of this implant, it is significant to examine if your gums are healthy enough to undergo an implant procedure. As per AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) you are a good candidate to undergo this implant if you and your gums are in good general health. The height of jawbone also plays a vital role before the implant can be carried out. A specialist will take attentive measures to fix jawbone height with minimal hassle. According to ADA (American Dental Association) diseases like diabetes and leukemia can hinder healing process after implant and smoking can duple the risk factors.

Implants in Safe Hands

If you are looking for dental implants in Dubai then Same Day Dental Implants is a best dental institute for you. The specialists here provide reliable solutions and adhere to latest technology procedures.

Saturday, 16 December 2017

قائمة المراجعة قبل عملية ترميم الانف

يمكنك القول ان الاهمية تاتي في التفاصيل الصغيرة بالنسبة لعملية ترميم الانف. فالجراح ذو الخبرة في اجراء العملية يكمنه ان يتلاعب بنسيج الانف الحساس لتحسين مظهره و في بعض الاحيان تحسين طريقة قيام الانف بوظيفته. ان اختيار الجراح المناسب للعملية هي الخطوة الاولى التي يجب عليك التفكير فيها قبل القيام بعملية ترميم الانف. ووضع قائمة مراجعة وشطب الاعمال عنها واحدة تلو الاخرى في سياق التحضير للعملية يساعدك على الاسترخاء في فترة الشفاء بعد عملية ترميم الانف.

ملئ الثلاجة و تجهيز المخزن

مع الرغم من انك لن تشعر بالجوع لحظة وصولك الى المنزل بعد عملية ترميم الانف, الا ان الثلاجة الممتلئة  ستساعدك في ما بعد. ننصحك بشراء الاطعمة الطرية مثل اللبن والجيلو حتى تتمكن من الاكل في الوقت الذي لا تزال تشعر فيه الترنح من جراء التخدير. قد يساعد البسكويت المملح او بطعم الفانيلا اثناء الشعور بالغثيان بعد العملية. وعليك تخزين الاطعمة الصحية الاخرى التي يسهل مضغها و اكلها مثل البيض الذي يزودك بكمية وافرة من البروتين. والفواكه ايضا من الخيارات الاخرى الصحية كما هو الخضار الطري.

اذا كنت ات الذي تطهو الطعام في البيت فعليك تجميد وجبات كافية لمدة اسبوع حتى تتعافى وتتمكن من طهو الوجبات مثل اللازانيا.

اتخاذ الترتيبات المناسبة للحيوانات الاليفة او للعناية بالاطفال

على الرغم من ان الذهاب في نزهة مع كلبك الاليف طريقة جيدة في ابقائك نشيطا بعد اسبوع من عملية ترميم الانف,الا انه على الارجح في الايام القليلة التي تلي العملية عليك اعطاء هذه المهمة الى شخص آخر. وظّف جليس حيوانات اليفة اذا كنت بحاجة الى ذلك او اعطي هذه المهمة الى احد اولادك لعدة ايام.

اذا كان لديك اطفال صغار, فربما تحتاج الى توظيف جليسة اطفال للاعتناء بهم في الوقت الذي تاخذ فيه قسطا من الراحة او للحرص على اتمام وظائفهم الدراسية بعد المدرسة او حتى لاطعامهم.

ترتيب المنزل

ان الاعتناء بالاعمال المنزلية قبل العملية بيوم او اكثر من شأنه مساعدتك في ما بعد. مثلا, اغسل الحمام ونظف السجاد بالمكنسة الكهربائية او امسح الارضية, واغسل ورتب الصحون. وهكذا, يصبح لديك منزل نظيف قبل الشروع في العملية.

كما ان الانتهاء من غسيل الملابس والشراشف عامل مساعد قبل العملية للعودة الى المنزل ممتلئ الادراج بشراشف وثياب داخلية وجوارب نظيفة.

ملئ خزانة الادوية

قد يساعدك قبل عملية الانف او الترميم الطلب من الجراح اعطاءك وصفة طبية للادوية التي يمكن ان تأخذها بعد العملية حتى تتمكن من شرائها قبل الاجراء ولا تقلق من بعدها بشأنهم.

تحديد خيارات الترفيه

يمكن لفترة الشفاء بعد عملية الانف ان تكون ممتعة اذا خططت للترفيه خلالها. احضر الافلام والمسلسلات التلفزيونية التي تريد ان تشاهدها, واجلب الكتب وحتى دفاتر التلوين ايضا!  

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Time Saving Beauty Products New Moms Will Us

If you are a new mom then you must be experiencing quirky leakage from your breasts. This isn't an abnormality, rather your body is coping up with the change and this shall go normal after few weeks of baby birth. Breast leakage will happen irrespective of time, day or night. A solution to breast leakage is to use nursing pads. These are circular or heart-shaped absorbent pads which need to be worn within bra cups. Whenever breasts are leaking these pads absorb the released milk and prevent your clothes from milk stains. The amount and frequency of milk leakage differ from female to female. Nursing pads are a rescue from stains, smell and dripping nipples.

Why use Nursing Pads?

In final weeks of pregnancy and in starting few weeks of pregnancy, milk leakage is observed from the female's breasts. This is because during this time the mother's body starts preparing for sufficient milk for baby's feeding. Until your baby and body get aligned into fine synchronization of breastfeeding, leakage persists. There are no alarms to this dripping and it can happen anytime around the clock. To settle this activity externally, nursing pads have been introduced to absorb the leakage. These pads put no harm to the mother or child's body, rather it stops the mess that would have been caused by milk leaks.

Benefits of Nursing Pads

·         Every mother may not face this problem; however, most of them do. It is not necessary to use these pads, but, if used you'll be less messy. The following are a few benefits of breast pads:
·         These are soft lining pads and aren't visible from outside.
·         These pads won't get displaced as an adhesive on other side sticks to bra and is easily removable when its job is done.

·         These pads are based on use and throw mechanism. You need not put your efforts to wash them up for reuse. Once, the job is done dump them and pick a new one for use.
·         Surveys have figured out that these make breathing difficult, however, breast pads composed of breathable layers comforts breathing process.
·         Breast pads don't harm you as these are cotton made and are softer on the skin.
·         Using these pads in completely safe and hygienic.
·         You get no stains on your clothes and you can stop using them anytime after leakage gets controlled.

Cool & Cool- Mother Care Products in Dubai

If you are looking for good quality mother care products in Dubai then prefer none less than Cool & Cool. Its nursing pads are highly recommendable and quality product. The product has been tested for quality and has passed all tests which signal that these don't leverage any side effects.